The highlighted article, 10 Things Men Wish Women Knew About Sex, is full of advice to women on how they can strengthen their emotional and physical bond with their mates. The interesting thing is that, as of this posting, there are 1,126 comments on this article and most of them discuss either the blessings or curses of porn depending upon the individuals' experience. The unfortunate part is that the other 9 areas of advice are completely overshadowed by the emotionally (and spiritually) flammable topic of pornography. Bottom line....COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR PARTNER! There are so many divisive topics that can sever an otherwise healthy relationship. Keeping an open (and honest) line of communication about your wants and needs with your partner will strengthen your bond and allow both of you to make informed choices.
Orgasm can reduce sensitivity to pain and improve your sleep. The highlighted article, 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex: The perks of sex extend well beyond the bedroom, describes multiple benefits of sex to overall health and well being. The release of prolactin after orgasm induces sleepiness and the release of oxytocin and dopamine help alleviate stress. Another reminder that a healthy sex life fosters better physical and mental health for both men and women.