How many times have you heard, "Not now honey. I have a headache"? It turns out that having an orgasm actually significantly decreases the severity of headache pain for chronic sufferers via the release of oxytocin, a hormone released by the pituitary gland. In the highlighted article, "Pain, Depression, and the Lack of Orgasms", Dr. Wong creatively (and colorfully) describes the role of oxytocin and serotonin in fighting both pain and depressive symptoms. In addition to decreased pain, oxytocin has recently been found to decrease the amount of opioid (narcotic) pain medications needed to achieve substantial relief by patients with chronic pain. This is an area of medicine and science that most medical providers do not feel comfortable addressing in their treatment plans with chronic pain patients. However, it is another natural, inexpensive, and accessible way to fight pain with very little side effects. Also, don't forget that orgasm does not require a partner!
Do you find that you just haven't been "in the mood" lately? While there are countless possible reasons for decreased libido, focusing on your nutritional diet is one easy (and inexpensive) way to increase your libido and sexual performance all at once. The highlighted article lists 10 foods that have been proven to both increase your libido and sexual stamina. Most of the foods can easily be found at your local grocery store and they also serve to increase your immune system health overall. So go ahead and enjoy that dark chocolate covered strawberry while having confidence that you are doing something healthy and pleasing for both you and your sex life.